Positive Attitude – Your Attitude Creates Your Reality

develop a positive attitude. Your attitude creates your reality

Your attitude creates your reality.

I am a firm believer that the attitude you have towards life will determine to a large extent how your life turns out. A positive attitude creates a positive life while a negative attitude leads to a negative life.

In the video below I talk about the effects your attitude has on your life and what you can do about it.

I submitted this video as part of a public speaking competition for the Dr. Kinyanjui Ng’ang’a Speakers award.

The initial submission was in February 2018, shortlisting of the videos was done and I made it through this stage.

The final stage of the competition will be determined through public voting. I would really love to win this award so please vote for me. The details on how you can vote are down below.

Feel free to also SHARE the video with your friends and family.

*Voting is closed

Dr. Kinyanjui Ng’ang’a is one of the top corporate trainers and motivational speakers in Africa. As part of his legacy and giving back to the community, he organized the award to nurture talents and mentor the youth. This initiative is meant to launch the youth into a career in public speaking.

It is my hope that through this competition I will have the opportunity to be mentored by the best. I look forward to growing in public speaking and impact more people.

My goal is to help people be the best they can be and I believe that this opportunity will help me a great deal in doing so.


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How to develop a positive attitude

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Your attitude creates your reality. How to develop a positive attitude for a positive life

With love and light,

Debbie- Streaks of Light

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