Better Late Than Never – 28 Day Writing Challenge Day 1

writing challenge

It is better late than never, that’s what the good old proverb says and who am I to disagree?

I have been feeling a bit sad about the fact that I have not written for quite some time and in January that sadness was quite strong. I promised myself that I would start writing in February and to get me going, I created the 28-Day writing challenge. (All this was done in my head, by the way – just me, myself, and I 🙂)

So the 28-day writing challenge is basically a challenge that I am undertaking to get out of my head and start writing more or should I say resume writing. The intention was that for the 28 days of February, I would write every single day. The only requirement I had for myself was that I have to write at least 300 words each day and hit publish. No fanfare, no chosen topics, just write and let it flow from the heart.

Well, it is already the 3rd day of February and this is the first time I am sitting down to write. I could have considered it a fail, but I decided it was a false start and so we are starting the challenge today. After all, it is better late than never and 28 days are 28 days whether they start on 1st or 3rd, right?

To be honest, I feel proud of myself for being able to get that mindset shift and not drop the challenge altogether due to feeling defeated. It tells me that all the self-work that I am doing to heal my mind and set it free is making a difference, albeit a small one.

Kitt often says, “get into the habit of keeping the promises that you make to yourself, it increases your self-esteem.”

This is a habit that I truly want to get into because I have realized how much I fail to keep promises that I make to myself. I am very good at keeping my promises to other people most of the time but when it comes to me? Mmhh!

I am working on that muscle now and this right here is the beginning of that. I hope you can join me in doing the same.

Let’s keep the promises that we make to ourselves, shall we?

With love,


28-Day Writing Challenge Day 1

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