Hey you,
Welcome to Streaks of Light.
My name is Debbie. I consider myself a student of life and I love to share what I have learned through my experiences.
I am a wife and mom to one boy and together we form our imperfectly perfect family. When I started this blog, I was a stay at home mom who had just relocated to a new country.
This blog served as a creative outlet for me to share with others about the things I am passionate about. For me, that is
- personal development,
- books,
- travel, and
- family life. And of course, I love me some
- quotes.
The goal was to help others live their best lives by sharing helpful life lessons and experiences.
A number of things have changed since, including the fact that I am no longer a stay at home mom. However, many others like the goal of this blog, have remained constant.

Finding the light and living out loud
As of this year, I have been around for over a quarter-century. More than anything else, my desire is to be the best version of myself. To find as much light in life as I can find and to live out loud.
I want my life to be more than just comfortable, I would like for it to be meaningful, to impact someone else’s life and inspire others to be more.
My core belief is that each one of us is made for greatness and for a higher purpose. By living out my purpose, I hope to inspire you to do the same.
What streaks of light mean to me
Light to me is finding a revelation on what direction to take in whatever you are doing. Whether it’s a big decision that I am about to make, a simple motherhood challenge, a task I am trying to accomplish, that breakthrough for me is finding a light.
Over time, have come to understand that breakthroughs don’t just happen all at once. Overnight successes do not exist.
Just like at the start of the day we don’t see all the light at dawn, it starts with a few streaks and gradually brightens until there is full blown daylight.
Breakthroughs come as bits and pieces of the puzzle, like the streaks of light, and eventually, they all come together to give a full-blown solution.
'I have a great time with my life, and I wanna share it.' - Will SmithClick To Tweet
Find your streaks of light
I hope that through my stories, lessons and the experiences that I share on this blog you may find something for you. I hope that you find streaks of light, the missing parts of the puzzle in your life, to keep you moving and to enrich your life.
Honestly, I can’t wait to connect with you on this ride.
Let’s be friends, shall we?
Please feel free to leave your questions or comments below and I will be more than happy to respond to them.
**Wanna start your own blog? Create one for free here. And you can learn all you need to know about online marketing here.
I’m always happy to help.
Debbie am proud of you. I saw you grow from childhood to adulthood. You work is amazing; keep the ball rolling girl.
Thank you so much.
Hello Debbie,
The analogy of the streaks of light at dawn just blew my mind off!
You are an amazing writer.
Could you please do a piece on junk some time. Some thing around carrying baggage that we d not need, be it in music, clothes, friends and every other aspect of life?
I suffered from that a long time and I am sure many people still do suffer with unnecessary baggage.
Yes, of course! Many people go through their entire lives carrying unnecessary baggage that holds them down. It is a topic that I would love to write about and hopefully help people walk lighter. I totally appreciate this suggestion.
I am glad the analogy resonated with you and thank you so much for leaving me a comment.
Good work Debbie. Your personality shines through your work. You are such a marvelous lady who is willing to help anyone in need.
You are also an amazing writer with wonderful content that comes from your heart. Thank You
Thank you for your kind words, Isaac. Really appreciated.