Random thoughts & lessons

writing challenge

Vulnerability, Roosevelt’s The Man in the Arena – 28 Day Writing Challenge Day 4

We made it to day 4 of the challenge without skipping a day, drumrolls please! Okay, let’s talk about vulnerability and authenticity. I have been on a quest to live a wholehearted life since I read The Gifts of Imperfection a few years ago. Living wholeheartedly simply means to live authentically, owning your story and

Vulnerability, Roosevelt’s The Man in the Arena – 28 Day Writing Challenge Day 4 Read More »

Normal is overrated

So what if you are not normal? Normal is overrated

“Doctor, what happens after the surgery? Are his fingers going to go back to normal?” “Ma’am, your son’s fingers were never normal. They cannot go back to normal.” The doctor answered me.  It is the most heartbreaking thing I had heard from a doctor, up until that point 2 years ago. I have since heard

So what if you are not normal? Normal is overrated Read More »

of sharing, consistency and discipline. What the #streaksoflightdaily challenge is teaching me.

Of Sharing, Consistency, Discipline and Impacting Others- Day 15 of the #streaksoflightdaily challenge

So today happens to be the 15th day of a 30-day challenge that I started on February 8th on Instagram. It is basically a challenge I gave myself to share my thoughts around a word, a concept or even a phrase daily on my Instagram page. I then go ahead and share it to my

Of Sharing, Consistency, Discipline and Impacting Others- Day 15 of the #streaksoflightdaily challenge Read More »